Read this. Mostly just the beginning the drama that comes after is entertaining but not really all that relevant to your situation. This is what you dont want to become, part of becoming a winning poker player is the ability to really see yourself. All the poker players that I know that cant control themselves or cant step back and see their own mistakes/ weakness's are all broke.
Tilt control is a tough thing, there is no secret to fixing it, there is not magic trick that keeps if from happening. The only thing you can do is learn what it takes for you to control yourself. I used to be a really bad tilter, I would play well take one bad beat and then lose it and play like a complete idiot for the rest of my session. The only thing that fixed it was time. As you play more and more you get used to taking bad beats, you get used to losing money when you are ahead and eventually you can shake it off.
Its kinda sad to say but some people like starlightcoast just shouldnt be playing poker. Most of us that have some gamble in us have done what you do we lose so we play outside of out bankroll or play some stupid table game to chase their loses. The trick is to learn from it and not do it over and over again to the point where you continually demolish your bankroll. Some people just don't have what it takes mentally to play poker and stay under control. I don't know if this you but if you cant control yourself to stay within your bankroll and you find yourself doing this over and over again then, this is something you might have to consider. Hopefully this doesnt come across as overly harsh that wasn't my intention.
Good luck