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Playing a bunch of crazies at a SNG...

Postby MVPSPORTS » Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:57 am

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Postby kdiddy33 » Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:01 am

I haven't played the higher limits, but this is fairly typical in the lower limit games. Although I've found some games to be relatively tight at UB compared to other sites.

I've played about 150 SNGs at UB now, and IMO, I don't get real concerned with my stack size (if around $1K) until 75/150 blinds. At that point, I either start looking for a decent pair to push for an all in steal, or a big ace for a steal. Start chipping away at the other medium stacks trying to make it ITM. Don't steal on a guy that has you outchipped by $5000 - you know this already, why am I saying it?

I actually like it when there is one tool shed who has $6000 in chips early. If you've played tight, you probably have most of your stack left, so you can take a couple shots on the other short stack when the cards arrive. AND, at UB, they seem to arrive in bunches. For example, in 6-8 hands in a row last night on one table, I got kings twice, AQ twice, AA, and AJ, I actually showed the cards to the other guys, because they flat out couldn't believe it, and I was killing them, so I wanted them to know I really was getting the cards, and not being a jerk.

There is something about the computer generated shuffling I think, that causes big cards to come in bunches. Of course, crappy cards come in bigger bunches, so maybe its just mean reversion. Hope this helps.
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Postby Nashvegas » Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:20 am

(1) Kdiddy, I don't think you understand exactly how random the cards dealt are. They are literally thousands of times more random than even the best dealer's shuffle in a casino. Read the UB info about their card shuffling randomizer process and you'll be amazed, I promise.

(2) MVP, there are many reasons to play tight early. Not the least is that you don't want to be in situations that would be good situations in an NL ring game. For example, in NL ring you'd love to be all-in preflop with AJ against KQ, anytime. However, in an SNG that would be a terrible situation to get yourself into early on in the game. That makes it alot harder to play hands like AJ or KQ or TT early on, because you're going to need to fold to a big bet even if you're facing a coin-flip. That makes it ultra-difficult to call if you are raised if you're holding anything other than AA-QQ or AK, so in EP especially there are multiple liabilities to playing these hands early that don't exist in ring.

When it gets shorter-handed then obviously you can open up *some*, but only as a percentage of how many hands you would be playing at those blinds at a full table. You still have to keep in mind that tight is right early on.
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Postby kdiddy33 » Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:43 am

I agree with you Nash. You have to explain the mathematics behind thousands of times more random than random. I'm just busting your chops. One of the nice things about online poker is no dealer errors or cards flipped up by accident. Although it would be hilarious to add some reality to the game online by occassionally flipping a card up "by accident". I'm just kidding of course.
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Postby kdiddy33 » Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:46 am

I agree with you Nash. You have to explain the mathematics behind thousands of times more random than random. I'm just busting your chops. One of the nice things about online poker is no dealer errors or cards flipped up by accident. Although it would be hilarious to add some reality to the game online by occassionally flipping a card up "by accident". I'm just kidding of course.
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Postby flafishy » Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:26 pm

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Postby johnd13 » Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:27 am

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Postby flafishy » Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:01 pm

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Postby don300 » Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:15 pm

[quote="That makes it ultra-difficult to call if you are raised if you're holding anything other than AA-QQ or AK" quote]

And you're still not guaranteed a victory. Many a time I've been tossed out of a SnG early calling an all-in with AA, only to have somebody draw a flush or a straight or even trips. The maniacs go all-in on ANY pocket pair, or if they hit a pair on the flop, even if there are over cards on the board.

That said, I'll still call an all-in anytime with AA or KK.

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Postby WildBillHickok » Sun Jun 26, 2005 5:56 pm

psuedo new my eye! :roll:

i've noticed something helpful at UB, on the $20 and $30 sngs...the really good players are there from about 11 to 7 EST...TUFF tables, MVP...but then at around 9:30 EST, the really loose or bad players come on...
i color code rate all whom i play against....green is bad, yellow is fair, orange is darn good, and red, you'd better find another game (altho, the challenge is often fun with reds) Rating them based on how well i'm seeing them play....
Yesterday, in a game, the whole table with about 8 players left were orange, with 2 yellows...which is a tuff table...maybe a red or two...later that night, at around 10 EST,
just about the whole table were greens...so many chasing draws, calling reraises with only a low top pair, many all in bluffs, etc.,,,that they're hard to beat....anyway, hope it helps... 8-)
( you have the funniest sayings on your signatures...where do you get them?...keep'em coming...er, not, the ladies, the signatures)
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Postby EscapePlan9 » Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:37 pm

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