by woody » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:04 pm
6-max limit hold'em .50/1.00
Four days and about 2,000 hands of nearly breakeven poker. Actually I won an additional $2.
At one point I was down $81, and thinking I wasn't going to be able to hit a new high, but I did.
I won't bore you with all of the gruesome details, but yesterday in one hand I rivered the nut flush, but the river card paired the board and wouldn't you know it, but my opponent had made a full house on the river to beat me. In another hand I rivered the second nut flush and lost to the nut flush which was made on the river. That was the way my 4 days were going.
But at the end of yesterday I made a really lucky flush draw on the river on a paired board and won a $26 pot and made $18 profit on the hand.
Today I had a good day, flopped two sets which both held up. I had two hands of pocket aces and both won. And more importantly my hands avoided getting outdraw on the river, except for one instance in which I was leading until the river and still managed to split the pot.
I'm still having a good month.
I am averaging at this level a little over 4 big bets per 100 hands, which is down from 4 days ago, but still a good number I believe.
2007 Totals: Playing +1162 and Bonus +150.