Had a decent little session tonight. Won about 1.5 buyins in ~350 hands. Nothin' huge but definitely better than losing.
Here's a graph if it matters.
The pieces of the new home theater I am building have started to arrive. Today the projector came in.
Tomorrow the material I ordered from Home Depot is supposed to arrive so that I can begin building the screen this weekend. A friend of a friend who works at a place that sells metal dropped off my 1" square aluminum tubing tonight which I will be using to construct the frame of the screen this weekend. Here is a link to how to construct the screen I am making. After you click on it, scroll down a bit to see the aluminum one.
Mine will be a 100" diagonal 16:9 screen with an additional 3" black border around the outside edge of it. Should be sweeeeeeet!!!
The receiver I bought should arrive next week. Here's a link.
I already have a Denon DVD player which is cool since it will match this kickass receiver I bought. I already have speakers for the surround sound setup so no immediate need to spend money on that yet.
So far I've spent about $2300 on the electronics and screen and another $250 on a HUGE beanbag (foam actually) chair for the kids. Now just have to finish making the room look a bit more theater-like and buy some really comfortable chairs. The Direct TV dude will FINALLY be here this Saturday to get me all hooked up with the HiDef shit. That should be VERY TITE!!!!
If I am not sitting around watching movies and football on a glorious 100" screen in HD come Christmas morning, someone is gonna die.