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Just a little bitchin... - Live Poker Forums

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Just a little bitchin...

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Just a little bitchin...

Postby MVPSPORTS » Sun Jul 10, 2005 5:32 pm

Man... being a relatively new SNG player, I didn't realize how much of a drag it can be when you're not catching the luck that you're used to, and your cards don't hold up... I've played 8 SNGs today... Beautiful results... 1 second, 1 third, 5 OTB :shock: :x :shock: :x :shock: :x :shock: :x 1 6th... I know you're thinking "boy, you suck... You need to tighten up on the bubble so you don't get your ass kicked..." Here are some of the hands that knocked me out... I present a series of assrapings... Please let me know if you would've played any of them differently... I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure that I wasn't the small stack on any of these... Irregardless (is that a word, cause I use it a lot), they all knocked me out...

- The first was the hand I posted before... Chasing the big stack w/ pocket 10s... He raises... I reraise allin... He calls w/ A6... Pulls an ace...

- I get pocket Aces in the BB... Blinds 100-200... CO raises to 600... I minraise to 1200... He pushes... I call in a heartbeat... He has [Ah] [Td] ... flop KQJ...

- I get pocket Kings UTG... blinds 150-300 .... I raise to 900... Button pushes... I call, knowing he's got 72 or something, and is gonna dick me... He's got pocket 7s... Flop 689... Turn 5... I was a little wrong with the method of dicking, but the end was predictable enough...

- I get pocket 3s... SB is a TOTAL wuss, and BB only has like 340 chips (blinds 150-300)... So, I push to steal the blinds... Unfortunately, SB releases whatever vicegrip he has over his balls and calls with A2... Flops a 2... I'm crossing my legs, trying not to vomit as he rivers the ace...

- I don't even remember the 5th, but suffice it to say that I had some unbeatable hand, he called with crapola, and I got a telephone pole up the chute...

Anybody more conservative on the bubble here...? I'm sure that at least a couple of these hands were semi-tilt, as I was getting my hat handed to me constantly...

Thanks for the help...

OOPS... one more... I get A8... the blinds are getting to me a little... I push... Get called by the shortstack w/ AA... I'm down to 500 (blinds 150-300)... Next hand I'm in the BB... I push w/ Q4, get called by J7o... FLOP 10,9,4... Turn Q... River 8... :oops: :oops: I'll be on suicide watch for the next couple hours...
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Postby EscapePlan9 » Sun Jul 10, 2005 11:17 pm

Sometimes the cards just don't fall your way. I cannot tell you how many times someone has drawn out on me by hitting a 2-4 outter.

Heads-up I have AA, I small raise, he calls. Flop comes TT6, I check to him, he pot bets, so I figure he doesn't have trips, I re-raise him all-in, he calls. He has K6 and hits a 6 on the turn.

Always remember the times you got lucky though... like when I had A7 down to 3 players. I raise and get a short-stack calling the raise. The A comes on the flop and any bet will commit him to the pot, so I set him all-in. He had AJ, but I hit my 7 on the turn and knock him out.

Today was a particularly awful day for me as well... I played 5 tourneys, placed OTM in 4 of them, and 2nd place in the other (would have had 1st if he didn't suck out on me on the turn).
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Postby Nashvegas » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:07 am

You pushed with 33 to steal the blinds when the big blind had very little chips? I find it very unusual that the big blind would fold with 300 chips blinded into the pot and only 340 left, to be only 190 after the small blind.... Maybe that wasn't a great idea.

The other ones, I would've done the same thing every time.
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Postby MVPSPORTS » Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:21 am

Nash... on that hand, I was pushing to get out the SB, and wouldn't have minded playing heads up with the Big Blind cause he only had 40 chips more than the blind... I wouldn't have minded going heads up with the SB, as even if he wins, I'm not losing too many chips...

As it turned out, the SB called, and the BB (with 40 chips left) folded.. :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Postby kdiddy33 » Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:38 pm

irregardless is not a word.

The word is regardless, like without regard. So if something WERE irregardless, you would actually be with regard, but that doesn't make much sense.

Anyways, if you are indeed a good player MVP, which we know you are, since you can always bust Flafishy, then chalk it up to variance, grab a beer, and go back later.

Good, you?
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Postby JJSCOTT2 » Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:59 pm

A note about irregardless:

It is certainly not a word as kdiddy pointed out, however I remember something funny I heard a while ago, I don't remember where I think it was like on the radio or something:

It's a telephone conversation between 2 guys, one guy is spelling something to the other one.

Guy 1: "D" as in Dog. "I" as in Irregardless....

Guy2: Irregardless isn't even a word.

Guy 1: Don't tell me irregardless isn't a word, I've been saying irregardless my whole life, it's definately a word.
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Postby flafishy » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:07 pm

Hey, Sport. Sorry, haven't been around much lately. Have been taking sort of a small break from poker talk just to recharge.

I could nitpick a couple moves on those hands, but they would be more personal preference/personal style arguments than good poker/bad poker arguments.

Don't think you really did anything wrong except hit a bad run of cards, which does happen to all of us. Perseverence more than fine-tuning is what you need.

I'm on one of those ruts myself. I haven't been getting my ass kicked, but I'm just spinning my wheels these days. SnG bankroll is eroding while my cash-game bankroll is supporting it right now. I keep getting hit with crap like raising with AK, flopping AK4 and getting nailed by an idiot who called the preflop raise with 44 (actually happened to me the other night). And I'm on a run where I'm losing all my coinflips. Sometimes, you win all your coinflips, sometimes you lose 'em all, it seems. It seems like that kind of crap happens in bunches.
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Postby MVPSPORTS » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:21 pm

Glad to have ya back, Fla... Funny that I'm NEVER gonna live down that suckout on ya :D :D :D

I guess it was just frustrating because ALL of those happened yesterday, and ALL happened OTB...

And, all you doubters, suck on this :D :D :D

ir·re·gard·less ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-gärdls)
adv. Nonstandard

[Probably blend of irrespective, and regardless.]
Usage Note: Irregardless is a word that many mistakenly believe to be correct usage in formal style, when in fact it is used chiefly in nonstandard speech or casual writing. Coined in the United States in the early 20th century, it has met with a blizzard of condemnation for being an improper yoking of irrespective and regardless and for the logical absurdity of combining the negative ir- prefix and -less suffix in a single term. Although one might reasonably argue that it is no different from words with redundant affixes like debone and unravel, it has been considered a blunder for decades and will probably continue to be so.
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