Ok this is really quick.
I raise
[Ks] from mp, the CO and BB both call.
Flop is
[Jd][6c], BB checks, I CB, and CO now shoves a 130BB in the middle.
It is now 120BB more for me to call. So, I'm risking 120bb to win a pot the size of 270bb.
Villain is running at 47/17 with 60% folds to flop bet over about a 35 hand sample. He's done nothing retarded like this before. I would snap this off if we were just full and it were 80bb more to me, but 120bb more and 3 to the flop I'm just not sure. I think this is usually a draw, but also 66 and JK some of the time too.
Yeah sorry no hh, but what am I doing here?
The better player should win the race. Always.