This is a spot Ive never been able to really nail down. Probably because theres no correct way to play it and mixing it up is best?
Theres a limper. A fairly good LAG (29 / 23) raises to $9 on the in the cutoff. Im on the button with [8s].
This guy is a card runner type so his $9 raise means basically nothing except hes raising a limper.
1) First option......reraise or call? I tend to just call as I like to play smaller pots in general and I have position.
So I call and its HU.
Pot $23. Flop [7c][3d]. He bets $16. Again, this means nothing. Its a standard CB.
2) 2nd option....My instinct is to raise to $40 to end this hand.....if Im going to continue which I almost always do against this type guy.
I could call and float him, but I think hes more likely to fire again with or without a hand since he will want to put me on the flush draw. I dont like this because Im playing a big pot without knowing if Im ahead or behind but I wonder if this thinking is wrong. I notice alot of good BTPers playing bigger pots in spots like this...wanting to win bigger pots ( by winning more money when the villain fires a 2nd barrel with nothing) but also taking bigger chances. Villain could hit an overcard out if you dont raise but more than that, I feel stupid if i call him down and he has KK.