by StarlightCoast » Sun Aug 21, 2005 6:38 am
Week 15 Complete
I have decided to run my poker week as the calander does for no other reason than it is easier for me to remember what day to post my entry. besides I like things orderly, the drawback of an anal retentive personality. The down swing I was on seems to have passed, but I did take a hit the first day of week 15 dropping nearly $60. This makes it quite hard to turn a week into a winning one, when you start out like that, but I am happy to say I did do just that. The profit for the week was small mind you, but any profit is good. Let's see how the numbers stacked up.
Monday was the final day on Poker Stars and I ended my play there by losing $30 playing $1/$2 and another $20 at .50/$1 playing 3 hours and 6 minutes and a total of 196 hands. It was not pretty. That same day I cashed out at Stars and returned to Pokerroom. Things went a little better, but not much. That same day I ended up losing 2 SNG's and $4.50 in .50/$1 ring games soon Monday the total losses were closer to $65.
During this week I played mostly .50/$1 ring games with very limited time at the $1/$2 tables. I have learned my lesson in that regard, but as was suggested to me on ITH, if I see a very tight/passive $1/$2 game I will play a few hands. Totals Below:
$1/$2 2.15 hrs. 143 hands +$27.50
.50/$1 10.07 hrs. 601 hands +61.75
Overall this week the amount of time at the tables was less than usual. I have been playing the $1 MTT at Pokerroom each morning. 26th was my best finish, but it was enough to at least break me even in MTT's for the week. Overall the total profit for this week was $11.74. Pretty pathetic, but with how it started and the bad swing of last week, I will be satisfied with it.
I have started doing a few things differently this week and they seem to be working so far. I am sitting in with no more than 20 big bets at my ring games and refuse to lose any more than that. I allow myself this twice a day and if I lose both sessions I am done for the day. This goes along with the Howard Lederer 30 big bet rule, but I have extended it to 40 big bets.
I also am leaving tables much quicker if things are going poorly. I catch myself making just a single mistake in a hand I am out and wait a bit before going back to a different table. If I take one bad beat and I am talking something like my KK getting beat by JJ because they hit a river card I am out of there.
I have been doing this because the more I play the more I realize that when things start to go wrong, at least for me, they don't improve. I think much of my downswing was due to me staying in games that were not going well. I was playing my A game but getting bad luck, but staying because i knew I was playing well. I realized this may not be the best idea because with so many choices available on the internet why stay at a table that is simply going against you. Part of this game is luck as we all know although I believe the majority is skill, but if part of it is luck, then sometimes that part just does not go your way. I believe you should find a table where the luck and your skill can coincide and work together. As I said, this week, it seemed to help a great deal doing this and I will therefor continue doing it until it proves itself unworthy.
The sitting in with 20 big bets could be easily debated as to whether that is a good idea or not. Personally when I am down 20 big bets I know damn well I will start chasing things I shouldn't, a fom of tilt I suppose. I am taking the risk if I am down of hitting a monster and not having enuf at the table to get in as many bets as I can, but it's a risk worth taking. If I sit in with 40 big bets say, and lost 20, I would and will continue to play trying to hit that one hand that will get me back. If I sit in with the 20 big bets and tap out I will not reload. I have the discipline to walk away but not if I have chips on the table. Strange why there would be a difference, but for me there is. Another aspect of discipline that needs worked on.
I start this week with a bankroll of slightly over $500, still down from my high of $573, but I am working on it. I have been thinking about all the free money available to me via bonuses and I know have a sufficient bankroll to bonus chase, but the times I have tried it in the past have gone poorly. Everytime i try it I end up losing at the new site. Paradise has a 20 or 25% bonus and Party Poker has a 20% signup bonus. Noble Poker has a nice one also and I really would like to make the bonus run, but I am so gunshy about my results if I try it, it keeps me back, keeps me from even trying. I still have bonus pending on UB some 40 or 50 dollars worth so if I get the urge to bonus chase again I will deposit there and see if I can clear what I have there without losing in the process. If I can perhaps I will try the bonus at another site and so on. But for now, I think I will stay at Pokerroom and simply try to get the bankroll back to my high point it was a couple of weeks back.
Total Bankroll: $502.48
So powerful and mighty the ocean be, yet it harbors the gentlest souls.