by Felonius_Monk » Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:20 pm
I often play 25PLO8 during bonus time to make sure I get the hands - there's often not 4 $100 and 200 PLO8 tables of any quality running at once. This morning, for instance, I was freeing the Party bonus, had a couple of 25s and 100s running. Handily, a 100PLO8 started up, so I joined through empire, briefly approached four figures before finally cashing out with a stack of a little under $800, lol. I seem to win less during the bonus periods too, so it's funny I had a collosal day on the single non-bonus empire table I had, whilst I only won 100 or so across the 4 party tables whilst I played the whole 700 hands in one go.
The Monkman J[c]
"Informer, you no say daddy me snow me Ill go blame,
A licky boom boom down.
Detective mon said daddy me snow me stab someone down the lane,
A licky boom boom down." - Snow, 1993