It's just so frustrating to sit there amongest all the incredibly loose dreadful play - to play well and tight for several hours - to get up $90 and then to hit these three hands within 30 minutes..
first I hit a set on flop (666), get all-in on turn with guy who has aces - yes 2 outer ace falls on river and I'm wiped..
on my other table I flop the nut flush and slowplay - 4th heart comes on end and the 2 guys ahead both go all in - I call - and my ace hi flush gets taken down by straight flush made on river ! - ok so I'm not wiped as he didn't cover me and I won't even pretend that I saw it.
2 hands later I limp with QJ OTB - get QJ x flop - on turn I am all-in vs a maniac's flush draw that lands ...
overall result $75 of winnnings wiped in 30 minutes... bah... ... /index.htm