2/4 - Prima
Co is 22% - VPIP, UTG is 37%
NWCougar dealt ,
UTG calls, UTG+1 folds, NWCougar raise, MP+1 fold, LP fold, CO call, Button fold, SB fold, BB fold, UTG calls
Flop: , ,
UTG check, NWCougar check, CO check
UTG bet, NWCougar raise, CO raise, UTG call, NWCougar call
UTG check, NWCougar check, CO bet, UTG call, NWCougar call
CO shows: ,
UTG mucks: ,
NWCougar mucks: ,
- What all did I F up?, for some reason I just thought that my TPTK was good, my raise on the turn was awful and I think I should have raised on the flop.
P.S. Does anyone know of a hand converter for Prima HH's?