Had a horrible week so far. I am even and not down which is good, but my goodness this is a bad stretch. I've had 20 full houses this week according to Pokertracker...and I am only up $48 in that category!! That's insane for $100 NL Holdem.
I'm 1 for 6 on trips on the flop this week. That's right. I've tripped 6 times and won exactly one time. 3 set over set, 1 runner runner full house and 1 runner runner quads. I only slowplayed once..so that's not the answer!!
Anyway, tonight I actually tried to bluff a guy who held the nut full house. I had Jack high.
After that hand, I realized I might have some tilt issues going on so I left. I'm pretty sure I have a little very "unnoticeable" tilt going on , hard to detect, but its there. I've been getting enflamed a lot easier lately, one hand will do it. I haven't had tilt issues for months. But like I've said..it's been a bad week. I think this tilt has made me call a few hands I shouldn't have and the like. I just didn't notice it before until I get totally enflamed.
I plan on not playing at all friday- weekend except for a tournment on Saturday. You guys think this is the time to take a break? Will it help? Anything else I should know? How have you guys dealt with your "barely noticeable" tilt...something that will cost you a lot of money in the long run but is so hard to detect? This is my first time dealing with this kind of tilt. Any feedback is welcome.