Hey all...
I'm a poster/reader of many online boards. ITH, UPF, WPTFan, 2+2, RGP, and now BTP.
I'm a 24 y/o analyst/programmer from Mn - married and no kids. I write code in many languages but do mostly LAMP stuff on my own time and MS .NET based projects at work with some Perl scripts thrown in. I was a nationally ranked FPS gamer before devoting more time to poker and I enjoyed making maps and mods for Unreal Tournament (99, 2k3, 2k4). I also spend some time playing the guitar (heavy, fast, and loud) to vent some frustration and get the creative juices flowing.
I've played poker all my life really but not seriously until about 3 years ago. I was born into a family of cardplayers and played a lot of draw, stud, and lowball with the family. I started playing holdem 3 years ago and studied the game more than anything for the first year. I made a $300 deposit on Paradise Poker after getting very bored with the play money monkeys. I turned that into a BR 30x that amount in a year and haven't looked back since. I play a lot of MTT and started building the BR playing SNG's. These days I play a few MTT's a week and mainly focus on NL cash games. I'm currently able to play 3-4 tables of $100 NL and feel comfortable at those limits. The $200 games on Paradise are actually tighter and IMO less profitable than the $100 level so I don't care to move up.
The best poker moment I've had thus far.... although there are a few... has to be winning the UPF monthly tourney. Not only did I win playing against some very talented opponents but I also beat Mark Gregorich and Roy Cooke in the process - taking them BOTH out of the tourney and collecting the bounties on their heads. The money I won wasn't very large but the win against that field was much more of a high than larger MTT's I've won.
I've learned a lot from Iceman, and others, from the UPF forum and thats what brought me here. I have a lot of respect for the posters here and hope to share my little insights and experiences to help us all improve our games.