Hey Adam,
Glad you like the site
I do hope you will continue to read and post here. Of course we will protect you (as we will for all our members) from abuse. And like all other members, if you were to commit abuse yourself, we'd take action.
I suggest that you make this forum your 'home' and post (like all our other members) on-topic, and in the relevant forum.
Since your own section would afford you no more protection that all our other members currently get, plus all imaginable posts you might make already fit neatly into our categories, it seems as if your own forum would (a) afford you, personally, no tangible benefits and (b) hinder our other members from finding all of the material directly relevant to them.
If you would like to write a credited, full-blown article or series of articles for the main site, you are welcome to submit them, although they will be reviewed (like everyone else's).
I look forward to your response.