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Excession ? Note Export

Postby tooters » Sun Jan 30, 2005 2:16 pm

Can you tell me what stats and what order you include in your note export. I guess I'm looking for what your overall format looks like. I'm about to do my first one and I want it to be the most optimal settings. If you have time to exp[lain your choices that would be a bonus. Thanks

wellvarious sites have differing space allowed (PTY is only 84 characters I think and is the least).

Tp be honest since GT+ came out I don't export any stats - I can see them with GT+ .
I probably should get back into the habit for when searching tables to observe though (and I will export some more before I go back to play at PS or Paradise or other sites where I can't datamine the table before playing).

I would suggest description and hands played line 1, Vp$iP, PFR line 2 (ie the pre-flop stats) and PFA and WtsD% in line 3. If you like you could put in fold BB to steal and fold to river bet on line 4. The other thing you mifght want to do is to show most common raised hands or to split PFA down into flop.river and turn.

That's about all I'd bother with for the moment I think.
Actually I'm going to go away and ru some exports now. Thanks for reminding me. I will make sure I mention somehting in the guide series about this function as it's dropped of my radar recently.
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Postby tooters » Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:29 pm

I agree I exported a bunch of stats on my first export, but then realized they were all on game time. My only question still is dont you think its very important to still export the raised hands, b/c you cant get that from game time.

One last question, have you used player view. I think it is far supierior to GT+
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