Holy crap my journal has become popular. I understand what you guys are saying and I have never even come close to losing 20 buy ins, the streak I'm on right now is my worst run in 4 years and I'm still under 10 buyins. I guess the thing is I am very happy with the level I am at and beating on the players I am playing. I make a very nice per hour that blows away anything I could make working part time while I'm in school. I really dont have dreams of playing 20k buy in NL games. Maybe someday I will, but that really isnt the goal. I still have the roll to play the games I am comfortable in so getting staked seems like undue and unneccisary added stress.
So yeah that poker thing 2006 starts like 2005 ended. No suckouts this time, just totally and completely card dead for 4 hrs. In 4 hrs I never flopped better than one pair. I flopped top pair once and that was all in and all in in front of me with A9 on a 987 flop. I won 3 pots in 4 hrs.
Hand 1 I am the BB with J
flop is
. Checks around. Turn is the
it checks around. River K. I bet $10 everyone fold.
Hand 2 I am MP with QQ. UTG straddles, one caller. I raise to $40 everyone folds.
Hand 3 My last I have
flop is
I bet from MP and everyone folds.
These were my three huge winners for the day. I played at the Bike in LA on my way back to SD. Crazy action game, tons of preflop raising with terrible hands. I saw a guy make the 3rd raise with Q9o. I counted 9 pocket pairs without flopping a set. CARD DEAD
4 hrs -$280