by Rhound50 » Sun Feb 12, 2006 4:11 pm
I am running at 13 bb/100 playing NL and 22 BB/100 playing PLO, all the the $50 tables. I have found it almost impossible to stack anyone without monster over monster. I flop sets and barely get pair off. The reason I am running so well is that I have been stealing like a mad man. I raise most playable hands in postion, fire a CB even if I miss the flop and win a lot of pots. I have yet to win a pot over $25 in profit and I'm running at 13 bb/100. According to PT I win $ wsf almost 40% of the time.
"Its a pink handbag not backpack damn it." Godlikeroy
"From playing full tilt I wanna smash every garden gnome I see. That travelocity commercial puts me on instant tilt."