Give the page time to load. I have 5 image shack images. Please tell me straight, am I good enough to continue on. I have earned enuf playing $5/.50 SNG's that I have 30 buy-ins for the $10 ones, but am I any good at these or am I just a fair player.
I had set some goals for this when I created my SNG bankroll. 50% ITM and 30% ROI. I was told 25% ROI was more realistic so ok, but I did not even hit 25%
It's nice that I have earned a profit playing them, but it seems to me it took me a lot more SNG's, 286 total, to get to that earnings amount that it should have. I know more about cash games than I do SNG's in regards to expected earnings and so forth, and I am new to seriously playing SNG's for potential serious profit, so I am still unsure of what goals I should set for these things.
Part of the reason my ROI may be low is because I did experiment in 8 tabling them for a bit and did not do well but the majority of the 286 is 4 tabling them which I can do easily.
If my results are only mediocre as I suspect they may be, do you see any areas that need improvement. I turn to those more experienced than I for guidance. I have been playing them seriously aka keeping tract of them in PT only since May 22 and the 286 played are from that date until present.
All comments and guidance welcome and appreciated.