Hi, it is a 10+1 sng at pokerroom. 5 people left. I am UTG with about $4200, button has $4500, and UTG has $650, blinds 150-300. The button seemed a solid player, and UTG is pretty loose. I am dealt 8-8 and raise $600 (I normally don't min. raise, but my thinking here was that when the BB goes all-in for $50 more I will be able to re-raise and isolate). so button calls, and UTG goes all in, and I re-raise it $1000, and the button calls. The flop comes down 7-5-5. I bet out $500, and the button raises all-in. I think about it for awhile and fold, thinking he has a higher pair. He turns over A-5, for trips, and takes it down. What do you think of my play?