by Barry5 » Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:44 am
I switched to SNGs 43 months ago as i was struggling to make money on the cash games. Every time I played $ sites i seemed to win and when i played £ games I lost so net, i was bleeding money at 1/2 no limit levels. I switched to SNGs to mange the variances and (frankly) to limit my losses. Also to experience the enjoyment of winning tourneys. I've read about how to play SNGs from a number of articles/posts, including cactus jack and nash vegas BUT it is still so difficult to make money at $10/20 SNGs. There is always a point in the game where it becomes a crapshoot and a lottery. Playing at Prima and Crypto sites, the blinds move up every 10 hands, and there always seems to be at least 6 players remaining after the 3rd level. I'm actually thinking of reading a newspaper until level 4 and be blinded down until the action starts. As one of the posts states, it doesn't matter whether your opening chips increase by 500, when the blinds hit 100/200 so soon. At Party you get more play at the lower levels as the blinds are time rather than hand related. Are there any other sites where the blinds are time related?
I've now started playing the odd cash game again with a small measure of success and feel that my play has benefitted from my SNG experience so might mix the two for a while.
In conclusion, whereas I think a good player can certainly make money in cash games, this is not the case at SNGs, but they are great fun though.
|Been reading the forum for 6/7 months or so now but think this might be my first post. Keep up the good work.