psuedo new my eye!
i've noticed something helpful at UB, on the $20 and $30 sngs...the really good players are there from about 11 to 7 EST...TUFF tables, MVP...but then at around 9:30 EST, the really loose or bad players come on...
i color code rate all whom i play is bad, yellow is fair, orange is darn good, and red, you'd better find another game (altho, the challenge is often fun with reds) Rating them based on how well i'm seeing them play....
Yesterday, in a game, the whole table with about 8 players left were orange, with 2 yellows...which is a tuff table...maybe a red or two...later that night, at around 10 EST,
just about the whole table were many chasing draws, calling reraises with only a low top pair, many all in bluffs, etc.,,,that they're hard to beat....anyway, hope it helps...
( you have the funniest sayings on your signatures...where do you get them?...keep'em, not, the ladies, the signatures)