...the old gunfighter had almost retired, he'd mastered his ego years ago and decided to concentrate on the more important things in life...
A young kid came into town who was good...he wanted to take out the old gunslinger, who'd been no.1...now, altho old, he was still in the top 10 fastest gunfighters alive.
The kid yelled at him in the middle of the street in town...(the kid had 2 2 preflop) The old gunslinger (had A K off) "Draw, old man!" The wise old gunslinger knew this would probably be a coin flip on who would win, because he'd heard of this new kid. The old gunslinger, didn't want to bet his life on a 50/50 chance, so quietly turned around and walked away. (moral- in NL, early to middle in tournament, don't bet the farm on a 50/50 shot)
The kid went on tilt, 2 days later he found the no. 9 best gunfighter, they both drew... the kid won...Cocky (with his whole life yet ahead of him) and elated he hunted down the no. 8 guy...challenged him...another coin flip...
...next day there was a freshly dug grave in boothill...for the Kid. (moral - keep going all in on coin flips, and eventually you WILL lose, go in twice on 50/50 and chances are 75% you'll lose...save all in's for end of tournament or when you have locks)
The old gunslinger still lives today, enjoying some of the finer things in life...every now and then, he takes down some new kid with his nut hand.