i love rules of thumb...(ROT) If a fella makes $10 an hr, and works rull time, double that and then call it thousands...so he makes right at 20 grand a year...if he makes $50/hr, then he makes $100k a year...
i've kept pretty good records for a year...and came up with this ROT...(based on my 42% ITM stats)
If you play only one SNG, you'll make right at half the buy in, that's with about 40% ITM, which means you're good...so $20 SNG, $10/hr...$30 SNG, $15/hr...you're own statistics Kenny seems to prove this out...you made $12/ hr playing 2 of them...now the $50, $100 and $200 SNG, it probably will be slightly less? Since there should be slightly better players...Do you find you may miss a few tells playing multiples? i wonder if playing only one SNG at a time help you get closer to 1/2 the SNG entry / hr, or does playing 2 tables offset the slightly less rate of return?
Anyway, sounds like you're doing great, GL