by kdiddy33 » Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:08 am
MVP - I played 52 SNGs multi-tabling this weekend on UB. Wife is out of town, so I figured I'd go ape-crap. Anyways, I got fired up on the $11s and placed ITM in 7 of 8. I had the account up to $840 and was ready to take on the world!!!
Then, mean reversion took place and I dropped 8 of 9. So I mixed in some $5.50s again and worked my way back up. Overall, in the 52 SNGs, my ITM was about 40% and ROI was fairly weak but positive. Up $45 for the weekend.
I should have just quit after Friday night when I was on fire. But, its tough to know when to end. The bottom line is, it is a roller coaster on the SNGs. Its frustrating. You just have to play good solid poker, know you're going to lose some coin flips and do your best. In 403 SNGs now (all $5.50s and $11s), I am ITM in 46%, and my ROI has dropped to 28%.
You just have to hang in there and play your game. Try to figure out if you have any leaks in your game, and don't go on tilt. When I lost 8 of 9 in the $11s, I move back down and moved back up. Its a mental thing, the game is no tougher at the $11s than the $5.50s on UB.
Good, you?