Since getting poker tracker I have been trying to learn limit O8 with mixed results. I am beating PLO8 at a rate of 9 BB / 100 but only wining 1 BB / 100 playing limit. My basic PL strategy is steal lots of little pots to keep up with the blinds and try to win 1 huge pot a session. This obviously won’t work playing limit because you can’t really steal or win large pots. I was wondering if other people were willing to post their limit O8 numbers so I can compare and hopefully bring that 1 BB / 100 up to a more reasonable level.
My numbers:
Hands: 2203
VP$IP: 13%
W$WSF: 20%
WTSD: 30%
W$SD: 61%
PFR: 3.2%
Total Aggression: .71
BB/100: 1.3
I think that I need to raise VP$IP as well as W$SD. Looking over my database I see very few players that have a VP$IP < 15 and they seem to be making money but very little of it.
My last 1400 hand reflect my hope to raise VP$IP and W$SD
Hands: 1396
VP$IP: 16%
W$WSF: 20%
WTSD: 28%
W$SD: 68%
PFR: 2.7%
Total Aggression: .66
BB / 100: .8
Even though my last 1400 hand have been worse then my first 800 hands I feel like I am playing better. I have been able to fold hand when I have been beaten and raise when I am ahead. Ultimately I would like to see my VP$IP around 20% and my W$SD around 70%.
If anyone has comment or is willing to post their numbers I would greatly appreciate it.