by Rhound50 » Fri May 20, 2005 11:56 am
I dont know what it is about 1/2 Nl Euri is right, or maybe I'm just hypnotised by the lady with the large swinging "personality". My weird 1/2 hand at commerce a while back, I get AA from the BB, 3 or 4 players limp SB makes it $10 to go. I bump it to $40 and get 4 callers including SB, ok so now I have $60 left and the pot is $160 hmm, all in seems like the only move. I got callers from j/9 off, 44 and A6s, huh.
"Its a pink handbag not backpack damn it." Godlikeroy
"From playing full tilt I wanna smash every garden gnome I see. That travelocity commercial puts me on instant tilt."