by MecosKing » Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:53 pm
Well, the conditions i was assuming were
(a) A headsup pot and
(b) a ragged board where theres probably no issue of tainted outs and/or your outs making his hand, i.e. a good chance that you will win if you spike a pair.
If the board is ridiculously coordinated like a three flush or the cards are too close together like 456, 689 with two to a suit or some such nonsense or something like that, then i may fold the flop to a weak lead from a LAG since not only might i make my hand and still lose, theres too high of a potential for a good draw on a board like that, which means that a LAG might threebet my flop raise and lead into me even if he misses, and make it damn near impossible to call. Even a passive player will sometimes fire at you again on the turn if his draw is good enough (lets say he has A9 and flops 8JT), even if he misses. Basically, boards that are too drawy enable people to get too aggressive with you, and make it too hard ot figure out where you are at, so your better off folding oftentimes.
Basically, on a real scary board i will fold a decent amount. But even then, oftentimes its better to peel one...especially against passive players, because if they are on a draw and dont have a pair, they will often give up and check on the turn. If they fire again, then like i said, more power to em. I like the call because against a passive player, it makes him fear the raise on the turn, which is a very popular move on the old SH tables with an overpair or TPGK, or even second pair a PP lower than the top pair for that matter, if you are in position.
See, in shorthanded the pots endup headsup matches very often, and because of that you have to be much less prone to laydown than you are in a full game. People play draws more aggro and go on more stone cold moves, and because of this, you are obviously put into many more marginal situations, like the ones we are talking about. You are right that never folding would be a leak, and i definitely think theres a time for just giving up, but way more often than not, in a headsup pot on a ragged and relatively uncoordinated board, folding too often is an even bigger one.
Cmon Xas, back me up here! What do you think?
NorthViewBTP: poor old ED
NorthViewBTP: from gun totin beer swiller
NorthViewBTP: to limp wristed defender of fagdom
Mekos King: NV ignoring
Jimmy BTP: he's ignoring me too
Jimmy BTP: obv fell asleep in his colostomy bag
Jimmy BTP: running shite everywhere
neelguru: I gave up politics when I was 6
neelguru: Im dedicating the rest of my life to getting unstuck