Assuming that is the question, then the answer would be to determine what the SD is in $/100 for you in game A and game B. Redhouse gave us a starting point (2/4 limit and .5/1 NL), so let's say we have SD numbers in BB/100 of 15BB/100 for the limit game, and 40ptbb/100 for the NL. In $ amounts that would be $60/100 for the limit and $80/100 for the NL. NL would still be more variance, but the gap looks much smaller, expressed in $/100.
I would think that the only players who have much of a shot at having more variance in limit are the TAG players who are good at NL, but kind of bad at limit. Maybe something like a 0.5BB/100 in the limit game and 5ptbb/100 in the NL with SD #s of 14BB/100 in limit and 30ptbb/100 for the NL. So....let's assume .5/1 NL for a $10/100 win rate...which means we need the limit game to be 10/20 (right?). Now in $ terms the SD is $280/100 in the limit and $60 in the NL, lol, yeah that's quite a difference. I guess we don't need such a disparity.Statistics: Posted by geiststaat — Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:02 pm