If I were to use your logic and assume she isn't betting top pair, what am supposed to think she is betting? There isn't much there to swing away w/...I feel the assumption that she has a monster hand is easier to grasp than the fact she is betting a draw. It's very uncommon to see someone bet a flush draw board on the turn after just calling on the flop. It confused me...which is why I should have called(if confused, call - I like that rule).
BTW, the SB passively called down the two hands w/ TP no kicker. This was the first aggressive move I saw her make at the table. Also, it would have cost me at least two bets I would say about 95% of the time if I raise here, but I prefer raising to calling down to find out where I am at...there were enough bad players to make up for that one hand that is for sure...Statistics: Posted by Danhdan — Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:08 pm