I'm the webmaster/administrator of the site, and - you guessed it - this is a 'first proper website' for me, even though I'm a back-end software engineer by trade. So of course we're open to suggestions.
* The links going bold on hover: Is this terribly bad form? I kind of liked it. I did actually put it in there on purpose. I am not aware of a font size change, but they do go emboldened. Perhaps I should change it. What would you recommend?
* Admin email: Yes, that is strange. I'll clear that one up.
* Advertisements: I've made the ads slide under the content so people with low resolutions or limited screen area are not affected. Suggestions welcome on its placement, as I'm not exactly happy with it myself.
* The logo: Sure, if I had the time The iceman likes it, but I guess I'll make something a little better when I have the time, or someone else can offer. Any volunteers?
* Click here: We put this in to make it 'obvious'. I know that one or two people had problems working out how to return to the main site after going into the forum.
* Archive: When we get more content, we'll surely do that. We wouldn't want to hide any content!Statistics: Posted by tetsuo — Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:47 pm