The most basic human need that spans across all cultures, genders, ethnic groups, etc. is the need for a person to feel important.
The nouveau way to feel important these days is to:
1) Claim to know of some outlandish consipiracy. If you know the "secret," well then you feel important. You are special and superior to all those that don't know.
2) To take some polarized view to everything and to make all your decisions in a predetermined fashion. For example, Bush is the devil or its opposite that Bush is the messiah come again. (For any rational person, neither extremes are true).
Then you group with other people with polarized views and feel all special and important. You feel a fellowship with them.
Anyone who listens to actors is asking for the blind to lead the blind.Statistics: Posted by T-Rod — Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:27 am