I would like to roll them all back into their original space.
I know the executive branch may have grown in strenght, but so has the legislative and the judicial.
Some of the accusations to of executive overreach is when the executive ignores laws where the legislative branch is overreaching their power by trying to legistlate executive power (did that make any f'n sense)?
One of the reasons conservatives got a bad rep on race relations because of the lack of support from Goldwater and others for support of the civil rights act - because they thougth they federal governement didn't have the power to regulate hiring practices and such when it does not relate to interstae commerce. Another example is the partial birth abortion ban which has some BS about "where it relates to interstate commerce" written into it.
We are becoming so damn centralized I don't know if there is a way back.Statistics: Posted by Beavis68 — Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:32 pm