I took my DB (about 50,000 players) and deleted anyone below 50 hands since that's not enough to get a trend.
From there I took an Excel spreadsheet and ran queries so I could dump the data from Access into Excel.
Once in Excel, I can use its PERCENTILE function to determine for say VPIP what's the top 33% percentile and bottom 33%. BTW, the top 33% is about 1 standard deviation away so I feel this is a good statistical mark.
I then went on to define the top third and bottom third as "extreme". So the bottom third for VPIP is "tight" the top third is "loose"
I then color coordinated these levels in PAHUD so I can see an extreme player via color instantly.
Aperfect10 basically did the same color coding for his PAHUD layout for full ring. If you want to save yourself the trouble, go to pokerscesoftware.com and just download it and when its a red color its extreme etc.
TStatistics: Posted by T-Rod — Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:00 am