1. Dux isn't betting full pot so he isn't liking this board. Feels a lot like he's trying to push us off our hands but not being prepared to risk too much.
2. He could theoretically have AA, but since he raises a lot preflop that is less likely and even if he doeshe'll be hard pressed to call a c/r with unimproved Aces. His hand looks more like TP, an underpair or not very good draw.
3. I am DEFINETELY ahead of lundela, no doubt he/she is on a draw, with two-pair or better he/she would be raising.
4. Since I have decided that lundela is on a draw and I am either ahead of dux or might get him to fold, I should continue in the hand.
5. Aces, Queens and diamonds will force me to fold the river. If it bricks I will call.
6. Since I'll probably call the river AND I think I'm actually ahead some of the time AND I probably won't get paid off if I hit, I think pushing is better than calling.Statistics: Posted by Stoneburg — Tue May 09, 2006 2:06 pm