Anyway, not much to add, except for that in situations like those of hand 1 I'm experimenting with smaller bets. Basically I bet whatever I'd bet when I had the underfull there (say 1/2-2/3 of the pot, to give someone with A5 incorrect odds. With QQ I'd not bet full pot there either, so to an observant opponent full pot may look like either a bluff or a lone 5. Of course if none of them has a 5 you take it, but I think you achieve the same at less cost.
Only on UB with the bet-pot-button this seems to generate curiosity calls; but on stars where people bet strange amounts all the time it works fine for me.
Anyway, I realize that this is more or less the same thing as discussed in another thread, namely that you may not want to pot it on a JJ5 flop, since you're typically in a way ahead way behind situation, but I guess it's useful to see that this applies to some other situations as well.Statistics: Posted by Ojingo — Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:43 am