I like betting small since I play with people who:
1. Will call a small bet with anything
2. Bet when checked to but just call if you bet into them. By betting small I am keeping people in and severly cutting down the risk of a big field-reducing bet or raise.
In my opinion your flop bet is OK, but your re-raise is absolutely horrible. Why did you do that? You're not going to fold everyone out. You're going to be in exactly the worst possible situation, playing a big pot OOP against one or two players with a one-way hand. You should have just called the miniraise which would have ensured that everyone else called as well.
Since he's all-in I probably call the turn since even if I get quartered it doesn't hurt that much and there is some chance I am good for half or get insanely lucky and quarter him.
But really, even a donk like me can tell you you messed up big time with the re-raise on the flop.Statistics: Posted by Stoneburg — Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:53 pm