Flop is perfect. That check really puts Carsus in a rough spot, but forces a bet of him and Peppe's giving action to better your CR and you're committed after that.
If it's a cooler, it's a cooler. After that PF action, that flop's put your stack in the middle. This is a big set, though and I'd expect the two to be counterfeiting spades and each other's straight draws more often than not and YOU HAVE TWO TENS!!!! YAY!!!! No one can make a straight without a ten.
PF Question, Stone- What were you re-raising with PF here? I love taking flops multiway with JTxx with a little bit o' single suited and at least 1 x completementing the JT, like a Q, 9, or suited Ace. JTT9? QQJJ? QQJT? QJTT?Statistics: Posted by DonkiFornication — Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:10 pm