I have some questions and although there are basic I am a PLO newbie and cant answer them myself. I would appreciate it if some experienced player could answer them.
1) What is your general philosophy with draws when you are in late position and everybody checks to you?
a) I bet under most situations as semibluff
b) I like to get a free card with smaller/non-Nut draws and bet the big/nutty ones
c) i almost always take a free card
d) it depends too much on the situation (board, Nr. of opponents, outs etc.)
Suppose everbody checks to me on the button. THe board is somewhat unthreatening like Kd6d4c.
1) What is my move here with a non-nut flush draw?
a) almost always check a non Nut flush and get a free card
b) if you are heads up or 3-handed it is ok to bet
c) if you are HU or 3-handed and have something extra like a gutshot you can bet
d) you can nearly always bet, even against a ton of people
e) depends (pls explain)
2) What is my move here with the nut flush draw?
a) almost always check get a free card
b) if you are heads up or 3-handed it is ok to bet
c) if you are HU or 3-handed and have something extra like a gutshot you can bet
d) you can nearly always bet, even against a ton of people
e) depends (please explain)
3) Does the board make a difference (assuming it is not paired) when i hold the flush draw?
a) a big big difference. Every board with even a chance to a straight draw is bad
b) somewhat of a difference. The board shouldnt be too drawheavy/dangerous
c) the board is not so important as you think, because every big straight draw would have bet in front of you and every small straight draw will fold to your bet
4) Is it ok to bet/call with draws out of position? Suppose rather deep stacks and a nut draw with doesnt get the right pot odds but is pretty close (like 10 or 12 Outs)
a) No, in early position in a multiway pot you should only bet draws which are big enough to get it all-in
b) wtf, only noobs bet a weak draw in early position
c) only if you think your opponent is a donkey and/or has a weak hand. Generally it is very bad to draw out of position. You should generally fold to the reraise except in rare circumstances
d) it is bad to get raised but it is even worse to constantly c/f. Generally you can bet a weak draw and call infrequent raises behind you because they indicate a hand with a lot of payoff potential like top set, but if you constantly get raised/the table is very aggro you should not bet out in the first place and you should fold to the raise. So all in all it depends on the table dynamics.
e) it is ok to bet/fold because you pick up the pot a decent amount of the time and it is not worth drawing if raised
f) it is ok to bet/call because you have some foldequity and if your opponent raises you you have the implied odds to call even Out of Position.
g) it is ok to bet/call with hidden straight draws but you shouldnt bet flush draws
Maybe my answers are confusing but i hope we get a good discussion.Statistics: Posted by AQpoker — Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:17 am