you were right in thinking that one could cherry-pick this table apart... the question is what is the best way to do it. the more i think about it, the more i think that high-oriented hands (big pairs, wraps, ds big cards, etc.) are the way to go. i actually came to a similar conclusion to ED that even the middle wraps are probably pretty good since your low could actually be good. regardless, it was a gamble.
related to tek's post, i wonder what kind of edge (percentage-wise) one could get being optimally selective against 5 opponents aipf. your fair % is about 17%, so would optimal play get you 20% on average? 25%? i wonder.
also, dj, what was the deal with the 3000 points? i have largely dropped out of the poker scene due to an overseas move and finishing my dissertation. was this some sort of ft promotion?Statistics: Posted by Kuso — Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:39 am