- any str8
- any set
- wraps
- any 2pr
- tp + nfd
- naked nfd
- oesd+ (for straight draws)
- gutter + pair
- gutter + fl draw
- naked tptk (if board looks draw heavy)
- naked bluff (if a scare card hit)
note that i didn't describe the board texture since it often doesn't matter (the lower you go on the list, the more that board texture matters). in fact, i would say that when scare cards hit that make your hand but still leave a draw out, you might be more likely to get jammed by someone representing the made hand when in fact they only have a draw (e.g., nfd on a str8 brd).
what i find interesting about your reply, pz, is that you hit a big nail on the head with regards to playing versus these kinds of players. the players described above exist up to the 1000plo level (as far as i have seen), but they tend to decrease in frequency as you move up. i see a lot of aggro players (probably nlhe xfers) misplay hands against these "50" (my term) types of players.Statistics: Posted by Kuso — Sun Mar 02, 2008 12:01 pm