I've only been playing with PokerEv for about a week myself so I'm no expert and I don't know exactly how much stake I put in it. I'd think it's enough to confirm your opinion that you've been fairly unlucky in the big showdown pots and hopefully that will help you put your run in perspective.
As Emmasdad says, the green way below blue means you are losing a lot in non showdown pots and this can be a sign of playing too weak / tight. I would put the emphasis on weak there as opposed to tight.
I'm not sure this is necessarily the case (i.e. there are other explanations for green below blue) and I wouldn't go making huge conclusions about my game based just on the gap in that graph but it's something to look at.
Heres my (potentially flawed) understanding from reading a bit the last while on it:
A strong aggro player will win more pots without showdown, pushing the green line up closer to and I think even possibly above the blue line. This is because he will be folding the opposition on bluffs / semi bluffs etc. more often.
The green line being lower can be a sign of not enough aggression or of giving up to aggression too much (not the same thing). I think, it can also be a symptom of misplaced aggression. I.e. picking the wrong spots to stab at the pot and getting in situations where you end up having to fold later in the hand.
The lower green line can also be a sign of continuing beyond the flop with weak holdings that you have to abandon later in the hand. (this is why I said above that I would put the emphasis on weak in weak / tight. Genuinely tight play is likely to put you in pots with stronger holdings therefore leading to less spots where you need to fold later. If you play loose / weak you will have a green line even further below the blue (I think)).
One last thing that I read somewhere is that the green line below the blue can simply be a sign that you are in a game where it is necessary to showdown winning hands. Game conditions can make this optimal strategy in some situations.
Also, your total winnings line includes all the hands you choose not to showdown which if you are exhibiting any kind of normal decision making means that for most styles of play it will be lower than the blue line to some degree (I think). So there is a question of playing style, with the amount that you bluff and employ aggression successfully (and successfully pick off the aggressive moves of opponents) determining how much the green line gets pushed up.
I hope none of that is wrong. Now that I think about it, it would have made more sense for me to simply hunt down the links to the stuff I read the last few days and you could read those instead. Too late now. Time for bed and I can't be bothered. I'll have a look and post tomorrow if I have time.Statistics: Posted by Chips->Middle — Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:58 pm