My stack is $80, opponent has $60.
I get QQJ9 on the button and raise pot. BB calls, as does opponent in MP. Pot is about $8.
Flop is KQ7, no flush draws. Checked to me, I bet pot, BB folds, opponent calls.
Turn is an 8, putting a flush draw out. Opponent checks, I bet pot again, opponent calls.
River is a blank 2. Opponent moves in. I call. And I lose a big pot against KK.
I walked right into the trap here; somehow I'm too used to the fact that top set will get aggressive on an earlier street (I don't even know if I could've laid it down against a cr on the turn). It would really save me a chunk of $$ to be able to read these situations correctly, since I run into this situation at least once a week. I'm always tempted to believe that my opponent puts me on aces and wants to blast me off my hand when a scarecard hits or when he hits two pair or better...
Any ideas to avoid these traps? (Except for the obvious "make a note that this player plays like this")?? How do you play this situation against the same player next time, knowing that he slowplays his top set against an LP raiser?
PieterStatistics: Posted by Hofstra — Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:09 am