I am either going to check or bet 1/3 pot depending on the players behind me. This is the classic pull situation, you are not going to be able to push someone off A2 so betting pot is only going to push out the people that you want to call. If the flop was 258 I may try to push and scoop, but nobody folds the nut low so I pull on this board.
The pot is $12 and you opponent has $21 left in front of him. I think that this is an check fold if you didn’t have the 5 but since you do have it I may CR here esp if you are playing against a decent or horrible player. You are going to have some fold equity against a decent player and a really bad player may be playing a str8 or other high that you beat. Against the average player I flat call and check to him on the river, but I don't think that check folding is horrible either.
You really put yourself in a sticky situation on the turn by the way that you played it on the flop. You got what you really didn’t want: a big pot, HU, with a 1 way hand. On the turn the pot is now large enough to contend for which makes this hand difficult to play.Statistics: Posted by GooperMC — Sat Sep 10, 2005 8:27 am