"BB" folded -- it was actually a EP that was sitll in the hand i just got things mixed up when i typed it.
MP thought for most of the time bank then folded. Obviously he didnt have a set and since he thought about it I would assume he had an overpair (AAxx).
I didnt think about AA having two of my outs at the time. That is a good point Briachek.
I make the play assuming AA folds almost always (or they should). I would expect a call from a set inwhich case i have 8 or 12 outs. And by having these outs it helps create a more +EV situation because the times the play doesnt work (get 2 folds) I still win about 30-40% of the time.Statistics: Posted by Spank_her_Pair — Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:19 pm