+$16.97 / 3.53hours
43.63 BB/100
23.87 BB/Hr
Overall stats
#hands: 187
VP$IP: 22.92% (maybe too high, but it is NL10 and Pacific)
PF raise: 7.81% (right on the spot, hope to keep it there)
WtSD: 39.81% (rather high but had good hands when I was in)
Won at SD: 53.66% (my pocket pairs got beaten by two paired crap played passive)
Status: Eagle
No specific hand histories to discuss...its amazing how many times people go all in with crap at Pacific (and lucks out a lot to). Mental note..always expect two paired crap at this level and dont get upset with it. Make them pay when a set comes along instead...slam in the chips in the middle when flopped a set and flush draw is apparent....they usually will call making it +EV (would you guys do the same or?).
Dont care to much about the stats since its a microscopic sample, but I will try to keep it there regarding overall stats...except try to raise my Won at SD. I got 57k hands in another database but I dont want that to reflect my NL play.
Women, dont be upset...
Why did the cavemen drag their women in the hair on the way to the cave?
Beacuse if they dragged them in the feet they would be full of mud.
Over and out...Statistics: Posted by WannaBeEagle — Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:24 am