Looking Good!
Current mood: smart
After my session the other night, I sat in front of my computer looking at my charts for the month of June. I was in awe. The results so far have been stunning. It's not that I'm this incredible player (though I like to think I'm pretty decent) but the variance has taken an upswing of epic porportions.
More than a few times I've gotten the money in, in ABC spots, and sucked out when they held the top of their range. Even without those hands though, I'd still be having a great month. If I keep this winrate on pace for the rest of the month, I'll have my best month ever. (Including when I was playing 5/10.) Of course, I don't actually expect to keep it up for that long. It's nice to dream however!
I've played a little bit of 5/10 as well when the games are decent. I haven't seen much in the way of results on that side, but the games seem very beatable. That's an encouranging sign for me. I only wonder when I'll actually be comfortable enough with my bankroll to play it full-time. It's not like I'm short at all. Maybe when I get 50 buyins. We'll see how I feel at that time.
I'm enjoying this while I can. Let the good times roll!
Statistics: Posted by kennyg — Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:19 am