I went from a little over $1100 to $692 in a week's time. Sure, I've ran into lots of rivered sets, gutshots, turned flushes, and whatnot but lots of people deal with that. I'm taking time off to really look inside to see if I have what it takes to play poker and build a bankroll. If after a certain period of time, I see that I don't, then I'll be done or maybe just play with buddies on the weekend. I'm hoping that after a long break I can come back to the game and play better than ever, but right now my mind is telling me that I may be done for good.
You guys have been the best and have helped me play my best poker. When I was winning consistently, there wasn't any doubt in my mind that BTP played a big part in it. I hope to still be around so I can read the forums and pass time while bored at work, but if I find that reading about poker makes it difficult to stay away, then I may have to quit coming here, as well. I wish you guys all the luck in the world.
- K.C.Statistics: Posted by kcb — Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:41 pm