But maniac aside I think you have to call here anyway. As I see it the pot is over $180, and you're pretty much pot-committed yourself here. The A isn't much of a scare card because you put him on a K, and if he's on AK he's aggressive enough to re-raise you on the flop or turn. If he is dumb enough to play a single A all the way to the river then it becomes almost impossible to put him on any hand, let alone a hand with an A. Besides, if he had an A wouldn't he be afraid that the all-in might scare your K off (and it's pretty clear you have a K here). With the pot laying you 2-1, no obvious draws and TP2K I think this is a must call situation.
This is one of those hands where you need to decide on the flop (if not preflop) whether it's worth putting most of your chips in the middle. You're not going to get much more information about his hand and you wouldn't want to give cheap cards even if he'd let you (which I doubt he would), so if you have a read then use it and stick by it to the end, if not drop it then and there.Statistics: Posted by McMonkey — Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:04 pm