I HATE UB, rock garden of all rock gardens (for me)
also you have to remember my opinions are tainted somewhat as I am only playing 6-max right now.
but seriously 6-max on stars $10 and $25 NL are the same, no difference. In fact my BB/100 is a lot better at $25
$50 NL 6-max is getting tougher on Stars. More decent players plus a lot of rocks and people who think they are tricky. I notice a big difference between $25 and $50, but that isn't to say $50 isn't beatable, just different
$100 NL on stars (FR) used to be gold, but the last couple months for me it has been very rockish. I haven't played 6-max in a while on stars at this level but it was a mix between $25 and $50 6-max
some decent players, some complete donkeys
Hope that helps somewhat. I notice a real difference on Stars between $25 and $50 and a real difference between $100 and $200 in my experience thereStatistics: Posted by Jarren — Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:57 am