By the river you can only beat a bluff. He couldn't possibly bet JT or QJ for value there and if you say he's raising AJ preflop that only leaves hands that beat you. If you'd call with 22 here I guess you can call but I think it is a fold unless he is tilting bad.
Bet. His bets are blocking bets and you just improved. Your top two beats his TP and he'll probably pay off a value raise to $15 or 200 unless he was on the flush draw.
I just call. Might lose value if he's ready to call with a PP but saves money when you're up against a Q. And you get to see his hand. He *shouldn't* call with a worse hand and won't fold a better hand so a raise is wrong in my opinion.Statistics: Posted by Stoneburg — Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:13 am